Who are candidates for Baptism?
- Infants or children whose parents and godparents desire to share their faith with them
- Adults who have reached the age of reason, usually 7 years of age.
What must be considered when determining the time of Baptism?
- First and foremost, the spiritual welfare of the child. Parents are obliged to take care that infants are baptized in the first few weeks of birth. Infants in danger of death must be baptized without delay.
- The Baptism is ordinarily celebrated on Sunday at the celebration of the Eucharist or Mass. Doing so enables the sacrament to be properly celebrated as a communal and ecclesial event.
- To help parents and godparents prepare for the sacrament, we offer Baptism Preparation. The sessions are offered on the first Tuesday of the month. The session offers parents and godparents a time of discernment on Christian life, like
- a well founded belief of the parents’ intention and capacity to raise the child in the Catholic faith,
- acceptance of the doctrine of the Creed,
- regular participation in the worship of the Church, especially faithful, weekly attendance at Holy Mass,
- evidence of personal prayer life,
- a concern to show charity to others and
- a life-style influenced by belief in the Lord Jesus and a commitment to the way of life to which He invite us.
Review what we believe about the Sacrament of Baptism through the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
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Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons and daughters of God;
we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church
and made sharers in her mission:
“Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water in the word.”